Submission GuidelinesPlease note: at this time we are accepting submissions only from our existing authors. If you've written for us in either novel or anthology form, you're welcome to submit. If you're interested in publishing with BooksForABuck.com, you may wish to read this FAQ first.
What we want BooksForABuck.com is currently accepting proposals in the following genres: romance, science fiction, fantasy, and mystery. We are looking for completed novel-length projects. By novel-length, we mean something in the 50,000-plus wordcount range. If you have a completed project that you are interested in submitting, you may submit electronically. We recommend you query first with a brief (two or three paragraph) summary of your story to allow us to determine whether there is a possible fit. If a fit appears likely, we'll request either a partial (first couple of chapters) or a full (the entire manuscript). We prefer receiving these submissions as e-mail attachments. We accept Word, OpenDoc, or Rich Text Format. Because we accept electronic formatting, we do not specify fonts, font-size, or single/double-spacing. We are open to submissions using either English or American spelling and punctuation.
What we don't want |