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    Customer comment on ANDROMAKHE by Kristina O'Donnelly (see her website)

    Comment by Nicole Drumheller Gargus (see her website)

    I'm writing to thank you for your book Andromakhe. It is inspiring!

    After studying the Iliad in graduate school and reading it for the fifth time in my life again just last month I felt more and more certain there had to be deeper details about the women in this Epic story. I have long been mesmerized by the character of Hector and over time I became more and more interested in his wife Andromakhe... I was thrilled to find that in fact there is an in depth book about her - when I found your book I ordered it right away! I'm reading it now and I'm completely absorbed into it. I have not been this lost in a book since I read the Mists Of Avalon years ago! It seems to me that you have insight!

    So far I remain a writer of non fiction and creative non fiction. I have been considering writing fiction for sometime though - your book is quite an inspiration!

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